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The Chicago Jewish Community
On The Internet™

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Jewish Chicago  Infosource™

The Jewish Chicago Organization & Resource Directory™












































































































































































  Pillars of the Chicago Jewish Community

Chicago Area Synagogues

The Jewish Chicago Synagogue and Worship Directory

Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

The central organization of the Chicagoland Jewish community.  Through the Jewish United Fund-Israel Fund campaign the Jewish Federation allocates funding to support organizations that provide social services and education in Chicago, Israel and throughout the world.

Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
1 S. Franklin Street
Chicago, IL, 60606
312 346-6700
Web Site:

Advocacy Services
Suite 327
312 444-2090
Legal advoacy for individuals & families with disabilities

Charitable Gifts & Endowments
312 357-4853
Fax: 312 885 3284

Human Resource Department
312 357-4748
Fax: 312 855-2473

Israel Fund
312 346-6700

Jewish Community Relations Council
Suite 703
312 357-4770
Fax: 312 855-2476
Umbrella group for 39 Chicagoland Jewish Organizations, community relations arm of the Federation, and is involved in community and public policy issures of concern to the Jewish community.

Jewish Women's Foundation
312 357-4853
Fax: 312 885 3284

Israel Experience
312 444-2895

Partnership 2000
Partnership 2000 offers Diaspora Jewish communities an opportunity for direct involvement in developing Israel's peripheries. Provides funding for community development, and opportunities for development of relationships between the people of Chicago's partner, Kiryat Gat-Lachish-Shafir in the Negev, and the people of Chicago.

Singles Program
Young Leadership Division
312 444-2853
Programs & events for 20's & 30's, leadership development and participation in JUF fundraising and community service efforts.

Shalom Chicago
312 444-2860
A program to welcome new residents to the Chicagoland Jewish Community

TOV/JUF Volunteer Network
312 357-4762
Fax: 312 855-2477
Links volunteers to programs in the Jewish community.

Women's Division
Women's Board & Young Women's Board

312 444-2844
Women's programming, leadership development and participation in JUF fundraising and community service efforts.

South Suburban Office
3649 W 183rd St., Suite 123
Hazel Crest, IL 60429
708 798-1884
Fax:  708 798-9148

Government Affairs Springfield Office
520 S. Second St., Suite 1100
Springfield, IL 62701

Jewish Community Centers

The Jewish Community Centers of Chicago serve the community with a vast array of Jewish educational, cultural and social programming. There are eight Centers serving Chicago and suburban neighborhoods.  There are also  two full-featured camp facilities. The JCC says it "is the place where Jewish people come together to share thoughts, tradition and fun".

Jewish Community Centers of Chicago
One South Franklin Street
Chicago IL 60606
312 357-4700
web site

Florence G. Heller JCC
524 W. Melrose
Chicago, IL 60657
773 871-6780
Web Site: 

Bernard Horwich JCC
3003 W. Touhy Ave
Chicago, IL 60645
773 761-9100
Web Site:

Hyde Park JCC
1100 East Hyde Park Blvd
Chicago, IL 60615
773 268-2200
Web Site:

Mayer Kaplan JCC
5050 W Church St
Skokie, IL 60077
847 675-2200
Web Site:

Northwest Suburban JCC
1250 Radcliffe Rd
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
847 392-7411
Web Site:

JCC at Woodland Commons
370 Half Day Road
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
847 392-7411
Web Site:

Anita M. Stone JCC
3400 W 196 St
Flossmoor, IL 60422
708 799-7850
Web Site:

Bernard Weinger JCC
300 Revere Drive
Northbrook, IL 60062
Web Site:

JCC Camps:
Z Frank Apachi Day Camp  

Camp Chi   

Perlstein Resort & Conference Center

JCC Camping

JCC Volunteer Groups:
312 357-4700
Web Site:
The JCC Woman's Auxillary and the JCC Senior League help raise funds and support social service programs.

Special Programs For Russian Jewish Families
Family to Family
A program which links Chicagoland Jewish families with newly arrived Jews from the former Soviet Union for  holiday celebrations
Shalom Sunday: The Family School
A  program in partnership with the Associated Talmud Torahs and the Community Foundation for Jewish Education  where families  experience Jewish traditions and  learn about Jewish history and practices.

For information about these programs and other family programs see the family section of the JCC Web Site:           

JCC Pritzker Center for Jewish Education
Located at Mayer Kaplan JCC, supports JCC education services and
Web Site:

JCC Travel
Located at Mayer Kaplan JCC,  847 675-3735, arranges trips to Israel, the Middle East and other locations.
Web Site: 

JCC Yiddish Institute
6168 N Whipple Ave
Chicago IL 60659
773 743-7680
Provides Yiddish educational and cultural experiences.
Web Page: 

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Tsedaka & Social Service Organizations

24 hour Emergency Hotlines

Ezra - The Hebrew Word For Help- Call  1 800 248 1818
Emergency food and shelter, employment and legal assistance, counseling and medical services, expanded Jewish Information Services

Ezra Hotline
1 S. Franklin
Chicago, IL 606O6
1 800 248 -1818

Ezra Multi-Service Center, Uptown
4539 N Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60649
773 275-9866
Web Site: 

An emergency service center located in Uptown which is funded by the Jewish Federation and administered by the JCC. The Uptown Cafe is a provider of kosher meals to the  indigent population, and is sponsored by the Jewish Federation, coordinated by the Ezra-Multi-Service Center and is staffed by volunteers from synagogues, youth groups, the JCC, and the JUF. 

Shalva 773 583-Hope -   Abuse In A Jewish Home
Individual & group counseling, legal advocacy, financial assistance, and other vital services available.  All services strictly confidential, collect calls accepted. Shalva provides community education  about about abuse in Jewish homes.

1610 W Highland #53
Chicago, IL 60660

773 583-4673
Fax:  773 205-0002

Chicago's Major Jewish Social Service Agencies

Jewish Family and Community Service (JFCS)
Social services for individuals and families including, individual and group counseling,support services, family life education programs, refugee & immigration services, services for the hearing-impaired, family advocacy.

1 S Franklin St., Suite 403
Chicago, IL 60606
312 357-4800
Fax: 312 855-3750

Central District
205 W. Randolph St., Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60606
312 263-5523
Fax:  312 263-1929

Northern District
2710 W.Devon Ave
Chicago, IL 60659
773 274-1324
Fax:  773 508-0438

Virginia Frank Child Development Center
3055 W. Touhy Ave
Chicago, IL 60645
773 761-4550
Fax:  773 761-6426

Niles Township District
Goldie Bachman Luftig Building
5150 W. Golf Road
Skokie, IL 60077
847 568-5200
Fax: 847 568-5240

Aids Service & Support Program
847 568-5252
Fax: 847-568-5250

Keshev Program:  Services for the Deaf & Hearing Impaired
847 568-5200
Fax: 847 568-5250
TTY 847 568 5240

North Suburban District
210 Skokie Valley Road
Highland Park, IL 60035
847 831 4225
Fax: 847 831 2290

Northwest Suburban Office
Jacob Duman Building
1250 Radcliffe Road, Suite 206
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
847 392-8820
947 392-3221

South Suburban Office
3649 W. 183rd St., Suite 123
Hazelcrest, IL 60429
708 799 1869

Jewish Prisoner Assistance
9401 Margail Ave.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
847 296-1770

Response Center
9304 Skokie Blvd.
Skokie, IL 60077
847 676-0078
Medical services from Mount Sinai Hospital for adolescents including pregnancy testing, birth control, and SDS treatment.

Council For Jewish Elderly (CJE)
3003 W Touhy Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
773 508-1000
Fax: 773 508-1028

Provides an array of servies to older adults in order to help them retain their independence and be able to live in their own home.  Services include: home-delivered meals, in-home services, transportation, health care, adult day services, counseling and working with the families of the elderly. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program, and Hineinu a program that provides services to Holocaust survivors and their  families.

Web Site:

For Resource Service Centers throughout the city and suburbs and hours of operation see:

For SeniorNet Computer Learning Center program locations see:

For information about Hineinu, the Crime Victim/Witness Assistance Program, seminars lectures and support groups:

Placement Services Office
7366 N. Lincoln Ave., Suite 300
Lincolnwood, IL 60646
847 676-6013

Council For Jewish Elderly Resale Shop
3503 W. Lawrence
Chicago, IL 60625
773 508-1000
Fundraising for CJE

Jewish Children's Bureau of Chicago

Provides comprehensive services to children with disabilities and their families including: adoption services, services for children with disabilities, in-home services, placement services and therapeutic day school..

Web Site:

Central Office
One South Franklin Street
Chicago, IL 60606
312 444-2090

North Side Office
3344 West Peterson
Chicago, IL 60659
773 588-6363

Skokie Office
Roger S. Bloch Counseling and Consultation Service
Goldie Blachmann Luftig Building
5150 West Golf Road
Skokie, IL 60077
847 569-5100

North Suburban Office
Northbrook Court Professional Plaza
1535 Lake Cook Road, Suite 204
Northbrook, IL 60062
847 498-4202

Northwest Suburban Office
1250 Radcliffe Road
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
847 392-8970

South Suburban Office
3649 West 183rd Street
Suite 123
Hazel Crest, IL 60429
708 798-1859

The JCB School
6014 North California Avenue
Chicago, IL 60659
773 761-8366

Elaine Kersten Children's Center
255 Revere Drive
Northbrook, IL
847 (not available yet)

Program in developmental stages. A wide array of services planned,  including for high risk infants and mothers, children with autism, Jewish studies, and other services for children, teens, and families.  See website for details and projected start dates.

Jewish Vocational Service (JVS)
Job placement and counseling services for unemployed individuals, including those with disabilities and the elderly.

Jewish Employment Network (JEN)
A network to link the unemployed with employers.

Central Offices
1 South Franklin Street
Chicago, IL 60606-4675
312 357-4500
Fax: 312-855-3282
Refugee Unit
Russian émigrés' assistance

Special Employment Program
EZRA Multi-Service Center
4539 N Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60640
773 275-0866
Services for elderly, homeless & disabled individuals.

Business Career Institute
6336 N. Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
773 279-6280
Fax: 773 279-6294
Disabled individuals are taught computer and clerical skills.

Sampson-Katz Center
2020 W Devon Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
773 761-9000

Goldie Bachmann Luftig Building
5150 W. Golf Road
Skokie, IL 60077
847 568-5150

Jacob Dunman Building
1250 Radcliffe Rroad
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
847 392-8205

Bernard Weinger Center
300 Revere Drive
Northbrook, IL 60062
847 400-1821

Local Social Service & Advocacy Organizations

6450 N California Ave
Chicago, IL 60645
773 973-1000
Fax:  773 973-6865
Web Site:

Jewish social services including: health care, legal assistance, crisis intervention, social services for the indigent and Project Tzemach rehabilitation services for individuals with chronic mental illness.

Singer Transitional Residence
773 973-1000 Ext 234
Jewish housing for the homeless

The Ark Thrift Shops:
3345 Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657
773 248-1117
Fax: 773 248-6293

1302 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
773 862-5011

1318 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
773 342-1504

1501 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, Il 60622
773 733-3314

Provides fundraising for The Ark.
Bureau on Jewish Employment Problems
220 South State St., Suite 111
Chicago, IL 60604
312 663-9470

Deals with work place related discrimination of Jewish individuals.
Chicago Action for Jews in the Former Soviet Union
555 Vine Ave.
Highland Park IL 60035
847 433-0144
847 433 5533

Advocacy group for former Soviet Jews.
Decalogue Society
39 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60603

Local Jewish Bar Association
Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe (FREE)
2935 W. Devon Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
773 274-5123

Provides an array of social and vocational services for Russian Jews.

Old Friends Thrift Shop
1250 W. Devon Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
773 274-4656

Provides fundraising for FREE.
Greater Chicago Maot Chitim
4433 W. Touhy Ave., Suite 202
Lincolnwood, IL 60646
847 674-3224
Fax:  847 674-6044

Provides food for Passover and other holidays for those in need.
Heritage Discovery Chicago
Web Site:

This Heritage group was created by and for Russian Jews. Even thought most of people who come to the groups events are Russian speaking students and young professionals, (some single some married) it is open for all ages. The group meets on Sunday at 7:00 P.M. at 3730 W Dempster, Skokie.

Jewish Aids Network of Chicago
c/o Union of American Hebrew Congregations
555 Skokie Blvd., Suite 225
Northbrook, IL 60062
773 275-2626
Fax: 773 326-1791
Web Site:

Providing services and referrals for Jewish people with HIV/AIDS,
their families and loved ones.
Jewish Council On Urban Affairs
618 S Michigan Ave., Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60605
312 663-0960
Fax: 312 663-5305 
web site: 

The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs has combated poverty, racism, and anti-Semitism in partnership with Chicago’s diverse communities since 1964. Guided by prophetic Jewish principles, JCUA pursues social and economic justice for Chicago’s most vulnerable neighborhoods by promoting a vision of empowering communities from within. JCUA carries out this mission by assisting groups in low-income and minority communities, building coalitions with diverse groups, promoting enlightened public policy on poverty and race issues, and mobilizing a Jewish constituency to create a more just city. Today, JCUA is at the forefront of pressing issues affecting Chicago’s most at-risk communities working on such issues as affordable housing, job creation, community reinvestment and neighborhood stability

The Associate Division
The Associate Division is the membership arm of JCUA that educates and mobilizes Jews between the ages of 22-40 on social and economic justice issues. Approximately five years old, it is now 1200 strong. Led by an Executive Committee of twenty-five members, it offers people the opportunity, through hands-on projects and educational programs, to understand the affects of poverty on individuals and to explore why as Jews, we are responsible for working to eradicate it.

Jews in Recovery from Alcoholism and Drug Abuse  CHAI-JACS
3701 W. Devon Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
773 539-7779  or   847 679-1042

JACS is a volunteer, non-profit, self-help organization of Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent people, and significant others. JACS is not treatment, not religious, nor a 12-step program. It is - simply put - Jews gathering together to explore their Jewishness as part of their recovery. It is Jews carrying the message to other Jews.
Mount Sinai Hospital & Medical Center
2720 W 15th St.
Chicago, IL 60610
773 257-6866
773 257-6959

Mount Sinai Touhy Health Center
2901 W Touhy
Chicago, IL 60645
773 973-7350

Receives funding from the Jewish Federation and provides health care refugees and others in need.

Mount Sinai Hospital Resals Shops
814 W. Diversey Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
773 935-1434

1142 Lake St.
Oak Park, IL 60301
708 383-5444

Fundraising in support of Mount Sinai Hospital.

Local Offices: National & International  Organizations

American Jewish Committee Chicago Chapter
55 E Monroe St., Suite 2930
Chicago, IL 60603
312 251-8800

National Web Site:

Works to enhance the human rights and fundamental freedom of men and women everywhere, by focusing on isssues relating to Jewish identity, Anti-Semitism, Interethnic relations and public policy issues.
American Jewish Congress Midwest Region
22 W Monroe St., Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60603
312 332-7355
fax: 312 332-2814
Midwest Region Web Site:
National Web Site:

Advoacy group supporting civil rights, the separation of church and state, social and economic justice, woman's equality, and other public policy issues.

Commission for Women's Equality
National Web Site:

Programs related to women's issues.

Legal Clinic
3003 West Touhy Street
Chicago, IL 60645
847 679-8289

Free legal services to indigent clients on a non-discriminatory basis, without regard to race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or age.
American ORT
Chicago Chapter

203 North Wabash Ave., Suite 1020,
Chicago, IL 60601
312 583-0484
Fax: 312 853-3255
American ORT Web Site:
ORT Operations USA Web Site:
International ORT Web Sites:  

American ORT serves as the umbrella organization for all ORT activities in the United States, including Women's American ORT and ORT Operations, USA, which develops and implements teaching programs in the US. ORT is the Jewish world's leader in technology education and the world's largest non-governmental education and training organization. Its global network is now teaching students in more than 60 countries. ORT's largest program is in Israel, where Jewish, Arab, and Druze students attend schools and colleges in communities throughout the country.

Women's American ORT
Chicago Region

2644 W. Pratt Blvd.
Chicago, Il 60645
773 973-6243

Women's American ORT
Suburban Chicago Region

3400 Dundee Road, Suite 120
Northbrook, IL 60062
847 291-0475
Woman's American ORT National Web Site:

Zarem/Golde ORT Technical Institute
3050  W Touhy Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
773 761-5900
Fax:  773 761-0969
Adult vocational training, ESL classes, and job placement.

ORT Resale Shop
915 Chicago Ave.
Evanston, IL 60202
847 864-6099

Alley Book Shop
1905 Sheridan Road
Highland Park, IL 60035
847 433-1172

ORT Resale Shop
1905 Sheridan Road
Highland Park, IL 60035
847 433-1697

Fundraising to benefit education programs of Women's American ORT

Anti-Defamation League
Greater Chicago/Upper Midwest Region

309 W Washington St., Suite 750
Chicago, IL 60606
312 782-5080 or 800 255-9492
Fax:  312 782-1142
Chicago Web Site:
National Web Site:

An organization dedicated to fighting antisemitism, prejudice, bigotry, and hatred.

Young Leaders United
A joint project of the Greater Chicago Anti-Defamation League and the Chicago Urban League.
B'nai B'rith
9933 Lawler Ave. Suite 230
Skokie, Il 60077
847 676-0011
Fax: 847 676-9414
International Web Site:

A social service and advocacy organization in 56 countries throughout the world. Programs include: Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.
B'nai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO), the Center for Jewish Identity, and the B'nai B'rith World Center in Jerusalem. 
Hadassah, Women's Zionist Organization of America
Chicago & North Shore Chapters
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Chicago (HIAS)
1 S Franklin St., Suite 411
Chicago, IL 60606
312 357-4666
Fax: 312 855-3291
National Web Site:

Local affiliated agency of HIAS the international immigration arm of the organized American Jewish community. It is dedicated to assisting persecuted and oppressed people around the world and delivering them to countries of safe haven.

HIAS Business Women's Auxilliary
Local business Women's HIAS support group.
Same  contact information as above.
The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (JWV)
Department of Illinois
2640 W.Touhy Ave
Chicago, IL 60645
773 764-7176
National Web Site:

Was organized in 1896 by Jewish Veterans of the Civil War,and  is the oldest active national veterans' service organization in America. Among JWV's activities are: promoting legislation assisting veterans, sponsoring projects on Jewish communal concerns, support of Israel, advocacy for Soviet Jewry, and combating anti-Semitism.

Jews For Judaism
P.O. Box 963
Skokie, IL 60076
630 415-1874
National Web Site:

The Chicago office of an international counter-missionary, educational, outreach and counseling organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of deceptive missionary and cult groups that target the Jewish community for conversion.
National Council of Jewish Women ( NCJW)
Chicago Section
800 829-6259

Evanston, Niles Section
P.O. Box 3022
Skokie, IL 60076
773 764-2364

North Shore Section
1107 Central Ave.
Wilmette, IL 60001
847 583-8889

South Cook Section
P.O. Box 982
Homewood IL 60430
708 799-7331

Tri-County Section
2710 Longview Lane
Lisle, IL 60532
630 416-1830

National Web Site:

A volunteer organization, inspired by Jewish values, that works through a program of research, education, advocacy and community service to improve the quality of life for women, children, and families and strives to ensure individual rights and freedoms for all.

Evanston/Niles Section Thrift Shop
1524 W. Howard St.
Chicago, IL 60626
773 764-2364

Encore & More
1107 Central St.
Wilmette, IL 60091
847 853-8888

Fundraising for NCJW
Project Kesher
1134 Judson Ave.
Evanston, IL 60202 USA
Phone 847 332-1994
Fax 847 332-2134
Web Site:

An International organization with headquarters in Evanston.  Kesher is Hebrew for connection. Project Kesher has developed a network of  Jewish women in the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union and helps women identify their own needs and gives them the necessary skills to begin addressing those needs. Women in Project Kesher's network participate in workshops on grassroots organizing, women's health care issues, advocacy and Judaism.

United Jewish Appeal (UJA)
Council of Jewish Federations  Partnership Midwest Region

175W Jackson Blvd., Suite A-1827
Chicaco. IL 60604
312 427-1600
Fax: 312 427-1852
International UJA Web Site:
Joint Distribution Committee Web Stie:

The UJA Federation Annual Campaign represents 151 local Jewish federations and a network of 450 independent communities in the United States, which raise funds in concert with the UJA/CJF Partnership and delivers services to Jewish communities in North America, in Israel, and in 60 other countries around the globe.

Your guide to the Chicago Jewish community™